Midnight Music

Oct 19, 2020

Once or often, we all have stayed up late in the night with music blasting through the headphones. Drowning the eerie silence with mood music is an experience on another level. You don’t just decide in the evening to stay up until midnight just to listen to music, mind you. A series of activities lead up to it. You make the decision at the spur of the moment, things happen organically.

At times you opt for songs you know by heart, and at times you prefer exploring new ones. You listen with your soul, body, and mind. Every word and every note hits with a pang of realization. You know exactly what those words mean, you somehow seem to understand the music, what the artist is trying to tell you; you feel the song in your bones. You just know. You realize there was this sound- an instrument or a hum you hadn’t noticed until now.

Your mind wanders off, pondering on thoughts triggered by the music. Sometimes it makes your heart heavy as a sinking ship, at times light as a bird on flight. You take a walk down your memory lane or meander into the future. Listening to music during the wee hours certainly hits you differently.




Hobbyist writer, likes to read and cook, an avid dog petter.